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About Us

This is our present

Vission & Mission
About Us

This is our reality

Vission & Mission
About Us

This is our story

Vission & Mission
About Us

This is our story

Vission & Mission

Who We Are

We are two cradle-Catholic sisters who partnered to create a commercial platform which provides exceptional quality products to bless our patrons and support our artists.


Our vision is to establish a reputable global commercial platform, renowned for its unwavering commitment to quality, ethics, and fairness. We aim to provide Christians with exceptional products that resonate with their values, ensuring that every purchase aligns with their conscience.


Exceptional products that resonate with Christian values”

To provide Christians with products made with the utmost quality we can provide;  making sure the materials used for our products meet the most rigorous scrutiny in health and safety.

The Founders

Frida Abaroa & Miriam Hick

I started this enterprise, alongside my sister, to supply Christians with products that inspire them in their relationship with God and that are produced with the highest quality and healthiest materials we can provide.

The profits generated by your purchases help us in our three-fold mission:

1. to help fund the pre-production of our Christian animation projects,
2. ⁠⁠to supports Catholic / Christian artists so they can continue evangelizing through art,
3. to aid our Orphan Education program, which aims to help them make an honest living after they leave the orphanages.

Thank you for being part of this mission!


Why We Do What We Do:

There are three main reasons why we decided to create the 3nity Store:

We are embarking on an ambitious project that continuously pushes us into a dynamic state of learning, a journey we find immensely fulfilling. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We welcome the opportunity to further engage with you.

Success is best when it's shared


Part of the net profits go directliy to the artist and artizans, for we believe that “The laborer deserves his wages”. We want to promote the growth of Christian art and entertainment, to bring the people of God back to Him.

Some of Our Artist


We are embarking on an ambitious project that continuously pushes us into a dynamic state of learning, a journey we find immensely fulfilling. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We welcome the opportunity to further engage with you.

Our team takes quality very seriously. Whether it is in the design, the research, the materials, the manufacturing, the packaging or the process to get it to you, we take it as seriously as we take our faith.

If you are browsing our store or acquiring a product, we hope you have a great experience. At any point, if you have any issues with our store or our products, as a new emerging store all we ask is for you to contact us first and give us the chance to make it right; we are always willing to listen to your comments, questions or concerns.

Thank you for your support, and remember that by your purchases you help us to: * Engage Catholic/Christian artists to produce inspiring art that brings people closer to God. * Finance our Catholic animation projects. * Finance our mission to equip orphan children with tools and education that will enable them to make an honest living when they leave the orphanage.

The most commonly asked questions are covered in our FAQs. If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by completing this form.